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Platelet Rich Plasma, Stress

Treatment Options for those Suffering from Stress Urinary Incontinence

Stress urinary incontinence occurs when an activity, such as coughing or sneezing, causes a small amount of urine to leak from the urethra. Stress incontinence is most commonly suffered by women who have given birth, but it is also a natural result of aging.
As a urologist, Dr. Ibrahim has over 25 years experience treating problems such as urinary incontinence. He currently offer two treatment options to help lessen the symptoms of Stress Urinary Incontinence:

  1. The O-Shot Treatment
  2. The Juliet Feminine Laser Treatment

The O-Shot Treatment:
The O-Shot procedure is a simple, minimally invasive treatment that uses your body's own healing properties to dramatically reduce or eliminate stress urinary incontinence, or leaking urine when coughing, sneezing, etc. (it also dramatically improved sexual response). The procedure takes place in the doctor's office and treatment includes the injection of your very own platelet rich plasma (PRP) into targeted areas of the vagina. Once injected, the platelets activate and begin rejuvenating and revitalizing vaginal and clitoral function.
Dr. Ibrahim is the only physician in Western North Carolina who is now doing this procedure using the patient's own growth factors. The results have been truly stunning!
Juliet Feminine Laser Treatment:
The Juliet Feminine Laser can be used to treat a number of symptoms including vaginal atrophy and dryness, vaginal relaxation syndrome, but also Stress Urinary Incontinence. It too is an in-office procedure that can even take place during your lunch break if you're strapped on time.  The treatment requires no anesthesia and is non-invasive. A probe is inserted into the vagina that administers thermal heat to the deep submucosal layers of the vaginal wall. This solution works to increase collagen growth and blood flow, hydrating the vagina and returning it to its youthful state without using hormones or lubricants.
For more information on the O-Shot® or Juliet Feminine Laser procedures, please contact the office at (828) 505-2885 and schedule a consultation.

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