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Don't be too busy to take care of your own health

If you were to take a look at your life – from an outsider’s view, can you honestly say you are really taking care of yourself? Many people would probably say “No”, because they’re constantly running around, working, raising kids and trying to keep up with all that they feel is expected of them.
Putting yourself last on “your” list of priorities may only be setting you up for trouble later in life. Taking time for yourself is important and should be a priority in your life. Here are a couple of simple ideas to help you get back on track with who comes first.
1.Don’t be afraid to say “No”.
Pick and choose things that are really meaningful to you and your life. If you are feeling overwhelmed and tired, just say no. You don’t need to apologize; politely decline and free up some time for yourself.
2.Take time for things that are important to you.
Schedule time to focus on things that you feel like will improve “you”. That could be taking time for yoga, personal training, a morning run or maybe that aesthetic procedure you have been thinking about, but putting off. Do things that you feel like will make you a better “you”.
3. Pay Attention – Listen to Your Body.
Sometimes the way you “feel” can actually be one of the best indicators of your overall health. Are you tired after lunch? Do you feel like taking a nap in the afternoon? Is getting up in the morning getting harder and harder? Are you working out but not seeing the improvements that you think you should? All of these could be chemical or hormonal imbalances that can probably be completely corrected. Sometimes if you feel a “little off” – you just might be.
4. Don’t be too busy or too afraid to ask for a little help.
Dr. Ibrahim and Biltmore Restorative Medicine are here to offer that help. If you think something might be going on with your overall health that we can help with – or if there are some aesthetic treatments you are interested in – give us a call (828) 505-2885 – or come see some of the amazing things we can do.

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Biltmore Restorative Medicine and Aesthetics was built for you. We know you don’t trust your look to just anyone. You want the best. Our experienced and industry-leading regenerative medicine providers give you unparalleled personal care and will help you maximize your vitality for years to come.

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